So Ya Wanna Be THE Chief?!

CMSgt (Ret) Dan Roby

Chief Bob Vásquez! Season 1 Episode 25

Danny Roby is Vice President, AMU Business Development and Student Success. He oversees AMU Brand Management encompassing the B2B, Military/Veteran and International markets.  He has been with the university since 2005.

Prior to joining APUS, Chief Roby served in the US Air Force for 27 years, retiring as a CMSgt (E-9) in 2005.  He held numerous positions as a security policeman in the early part of his career and for the last 20 years of his career he was assigned to Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS).  While assigned to AFRS he served a multitude of positions from recruiter to the Chief, Enlisted Accession Policy at the Pentagon and Career Field Manager.